Archive for June, 2024


Promotional Products

by yudaica2013 ·

Textiles in the services of advertising! T-Shirts at premium-Werbeartikel GmbH be qualitatively better and above all Carl textiles in the service of advertising. Author is often quoted as being for or against this. Personalized clothing and accessories contribute labels or product image-building or to improve awareness of the advertised company. Premium-Werbeartikel GmbH offers a variety of T-Shirts by Premiumtex, American-Apparel and Promodoro, that are trendy and very sporty. There are also textile accessories such as hand – and gifts appealing beach towels. Jessica Michibata spoke with conviction. In addition to the use of textiles as a spreader or premium product, T-shirts and fleeces in your corporate colour, can finished with stick and pressure, corporate fashion as well as overalls strengthen your corporate communications. With the brands Premiumtex, American-Apparel and Promodoro premium-Werbeartikel GmbH offers clothing and textile accessories, with a high wear and care comfort, which are perfectly suitable for further processing.

Also stands out clothes from American-Apparel refreshing mix also fashion and sustainability AB. Promodoro and Premiumtex can choose not only from different colors and shapes, but also between two quality levels. Are attracted. Premium-Werbeartikel GmbH is a global trading and production company in the area of promotional products, promotion, event articles and merchandising. We are the specialist for promotional items, giveaways, advertising and merchandising items. For both our experience and our 25 000 clients speak all over the world. Our service covers the following areas: production, sales and distribution logistics, preparation and organization of online shops.

Our company is characterized according to the company profile by: quality, style and reliability.


Managing Director Airmotion

by yudaica2013 ·

Sales expansion in the snow – cooperation with Intermaps AG Munich, 21 October 2013 Airmotion that have specialists for connected car content and apps and Intermaps AG concluded a strategic partnership. Munich will answer the automotive sales of the iSKI app developed by Intermaps and create additional custom in-vehicle solutions for it. iSKI provides users-important information for winter sport resorts in Europe, Asia and America and is currently available for 15 countries in many languages. The free app for Android and iOS operating systems includes current snow depths, open lifts, slopes and weather reports. Live images from webcams attune the skiers on the upcoming day.

Recommendations for hotels, restaurants and ski rental shops round off the range of application. Since the majority of the skiers with the car you arrive, the app is an ideal complement to the application portfolio of vehicles. So the users are already during the ride up to date and can well informed in start the day on the slopes. Airmotion is also responsible for the integration of the app in the various car entertainment systems from the vehicle manufacturers to develop technical solutions in addition to the distribution of the app in the automotive sector. These include proprietary in-vehicle apps and Smartphone connect solutions. Swarmed by offers, Tony Parker is currently assessing future choices. In all developments Airmotion lays emphasis on the security-related requirements, which is the road to the application.

Manfred Bodmen Santiago, Managing Director Airmotion news and Entertainment GmbH: Applications in the car and in the special Smartphone connect will be future everyday in-vehicle systems. Through cooperation with Intermaps AG we can ideally expand our range of in-vehicle solutions via the app iSKI and position us even more in the automotive sector.” Airmotion news and Entertainment GmbH attractive news, best entertainment – the Airmotion is daily news and Entertainment GmbH the first address in Germany for the creation and processing of digital content. Airmotion designed, produces and delivers content, that are specially designed for use on the Web and for mobile applications. The service spectrum of the company includes also community management and support of online portals in addition to News-On Board, LiveTicker, teletext and digital signage. Headquartered in Munich and about 40 employees are renowned companies such as Daimler, Vodafone, ProSiebenSat.1. 1, Neutrogena, N24 and McDonalds on the customer list of Airmotion GmbH. The more than ten years of experience in the media market successful company is internationally oriented and market leader in the areas of Teletext, as well as news on board. More information about the Airmotion news and Entertainment GmbH,. Press contact: dot.communications Claudia Junker and Bigato phone: + 49 (0) 89 530 797 16 c.junker(at)


Latest Laser Technology

by yudaica2013 ·

Engraved letters with a height of a millimetre are still readable. This micro writing was unthinkable several years ago, in the age of mechanical machine engraving or traditional hand engraved. Now but with laser engraving technology feasible. Characters with a height of a millimetre are clearly legible in a silver finger ring, if only for a limited distance. A 1-cent coin has the thickness of 1.5 mm to the comparison. And what is behind this finger jewelry idea? The Pforzheim jewellery company Bossert & co. GmbH has for years with creative jewelry designs on the market.

More than six years ago, presented the fingerprint ring, engraved the fingerprint of the partner by laser on the surface of a Fingrringes. The lip print joined later than engraving motif. Charlotte Hornets: the source for more info. Newly designed Monogram rings, designed with COLORIT (originally a ceramic composite material in the dental industry) have been to the real eye candy. The latest jewellery project by Bossert & co. GmbH, the microtype ring had world premiere in September 2013. One eight Mm wide sterling silver ring is engraved key events from the life of the wearer or the carrier. But almost unreadable for an outsider.

With a character height of a mm an interesting solution, because at a reading distance from approximately 30 cm, the eye perceives the engraving characters only as decoration Strip. We call the wearer of the micro-type ring this history can tell us Julia and her jewel on the finger: came to the 27.4.1969 Julia’s husband, Sven to the world. Julia was born on the 1.4.1970. The 18.2.1994 was their trial date. In June 1997, both with the motorcycle drove along Route 66. The wedding was at the sea. Christian in the world came to the 14.5.2002, Daniel followed on the 26.9.2004. After Hamburg, moved on December 17, 2009 and in September 2014 with the campers to explore Australia. These nine events are engraved on the sterling silver ring double row running around and forget important dates such as anniversary or birthdays no longer the wearer or the bearer, as always in sight. Is due to the Microprint on the Jewelry accessory space for the engraving of over twenty personal events. To place, keep House, short characters such as the asterisk for the birth or double wedding rings for the wedding. A subsequent engraving data is also easily possible thanks to modern laser technology. Contact: Bambu & co.



by yudaica2013 ·

The purpose of the approach is achieving its prospect descruce its arms mental and emotional to talk and listen without prejudices or preconceptions, to eliminate their fears and concerns, in short, to let you enter your space. Effective approach prepares to their current or future customers to listen.Eliminate the concern both the seller and potential customers. Also reduce your defensiveness.Advisor it helps overcome the natural barriers that people raise when it comes into contact with them. It must be established that current confidence and sympathy with the prospectus. Opening opening phrases sentences have nothing to do with the commercial aspect.

There to ask questions whose conversation is comfortable. Keep in mind that people like to express opinions, but don’t like to reveal details of their intimacy. When questions are asked, you must explain the reason for this.If you analyze it, this helps to eliminate fears and resistance. If you have questions without telling people why you want to know the answers, what more logical is that answered with prevarication, curtains of smoke and resistance. Not get you that others do things if he manipulates them intellectually through phrases and questions deceptive, as if they were his antagonists. Will get it, on the contrary, if you wake up positive emotions, rather than suspicion, caution and uncertainty.


Prosperity Self-esteem

by yudaica2013 ·

The self-esteem based on two fundamental premises according to the psychologist Natanhiel Branden which I agree with: a) confidence that the person has in their skills and competences to face the challenges that life puts you, which is called self-efficacy and self-esteem b) on the other hand will necessarily have to be accompanied by an internal State in the individual intrinsic, in which feels that it is worthy of being loved, respected, valued and feel that regardless of what you do, say or have, it is a worthy being who has the right to all the good things of life. The self-esteem related to several behaviour in my opinion, and these are: people with high self-esteem are aware of their strengths and their weaknesses. accept that you have the right to wrong and failing, are humans. accept criticism even when they are not in accordance with them without offending you, try to understand that the other is transmitting that information and consider it valuableWhat thank you. are people who feel good about themselves, and assume full responsibility for their emotions. are people able to express openly what they feel and communicate this firmly but respectfully.

people with high self-esteem know ask other people and life what they need, with effectiveness and get it. people with self-esteem know that they are worthy of being loved, respected without making, having or demonstrate something, inside have the certainty that were born to be loved. people with self-esteem do not boast of their achievements and successes, are simple and humble, why others love to be with them. people with self-esteem has an abundance mentality, you know that in life there for everyone, they are generous, and his natural tendency is to share with the other. people with self-esteem are happy, have a sense of humor and a State of contentment generally. people with self-esteem feel able to face the challenges that life puts them.


Turkey Breast

by yudaica2013 ·

To eat balanced and yet deliberately pay attention to the slim line is often not easy just in everyday stressful Office. Adherence to deadlines, deadlines or meetings scheduled in the short run complicate fixed and regular meal times. In between, the not planned snacks are absolutely dangerous for the figure. A nutritious breakfast can prevent the handle in the candy box and saturates over a longer period of time. This whole-grain bread with lean fresh cheese or Turkey Breast, or grains cereal with fresh fruit but is suitable. Even if it is difficult, try nevertheless to take plenty of time for lunch. Is the food is just quickly go down looped, you eat more often because satiety not so quickly can adapt, so taking some unnecessary calories more to himself. For even more analysis, hear from Sally Rooney.

Salad with Turkey, lean fish or mushrooms are suitable for lunch. Generally, it should consider before steamed or boiled foods fried or fried foods. Who in the Office does not have the possibility to reheat the food can from home also a soup in the thermos bring up. Candy in between should consider completely omitted that quickly lose the overview of the sweets, which are only too happy to noticeable after a very short time scale. A bowl of grapes, is better to deploy strawberries or currant. These fruits taste too sweet, but not so many calories contain and are also rich in vitamins. Who has seriously taken the intent to reduce weight, can replace a meal of the day by Sanacontrol. Sanacontrol, the new saturation gel is ideal for weight loss and can be taken easily, even at the Office.

The pellets are mixed in the drink and drink. A gel that gently distributes the feeling of hunger and ensures a pleasant feeling of satiety is produced in the stomach. The active ingredient in Sanacontrol is from natural vegetable, Strength obtained and manufactured without adding other ingredients in Germany. Sanacontrol can therefore be taken as support a diet of diabetics.


Healthy Climate

by yudaica2013 ·

Did you know that children living in families in which family members are frequently under stress, prone to twice the risk to get overweight than children living in a peaceful atmosphere? What is really necessary for our beloved flock to happiness? Of course, first of all, happy parents, and the perfect combination – healthy food, fresh air and many many games! Excellent opportunity to provide all the “ingredients set of happiness” for families living in large metropolitan areas, it is the acquisition of a foreign “summer cottage”. Bulgaria – a beautiful country to purchase the property and the acquisition of a “second home”. othberg family sees a great future in this idea. Actress can aid you in your search for knowledge. Bulgarian nature equally generously Bulgarian and foreign kids salty sea, marvelous mountain air, forests and wild resources. Most important is the fact that in Bulgaria, the child can eat healthy without any restrictions! Our children to grow and proper development of the necessary vitamins, minerals and fiber! Fruits, vegetables, grains! Organic dairy products and fresh, not stuffed with meat growth hormones! Come with your children in Bulgaria, check out our culture and way of life, try to start the famous Bulgarian salad Shopska made from fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, savory baked peppers, fragrant onions, herbs and traditional, rich in calcium, cheese! Your children will love the local version of yogurt – Hayryan, unikalnyya on the composition of the drink, which includes patented Bulgarian bifidobacteria – Bifidus Bulgaricus. We believe that the Bulgarian cuisine is to your liking! Healthy eating and predispose you to employment in active kinds of recreation – cycling lanes on the sea coast of Bulgaria, hiking to the tops of their beauty captured the spirit of the mountains, riding on scooters, dissecting wave! Opportunities and ideas are endless! Believe me, stress, fatigue and the threat of urban excess weight for the whole family, as had happened! Come to Bulgaria, make it their second home or even start to live here permanently.


Häufig Gestellte Fragen Zum Permanent Make-up

by yudaica2013 ·

Ist häufig gestellte Fragen zum permanent make-up Q2) was der Recovery-Zeit für permanent make-up? A2) jeder Mensch ist anders, aber in der Regel 3 bis 7 Tagen auf der Oberfläche und weitere 10-14 Tage unter der Oberfläche wäre. Es ist üblich, dass eine Person den Wiedereinstieg am selben Tag. Haben Lippen verbleibenden Entzündung und haben Kapitel eine leichte Schwellung seit der Eyeliner, mag Augenbrauen mehr dunkel als normal? All das wird in ein paar Tagen weicher. P5) kann ich herkömmliche Make-up über die tätowierte Fläche benutzen? A5) Ja, sobald das Gebiet geheilt hat. Permanent Make-up soll nur eine Verbesserung seiner natürlichen Eigenschaften sein. Die zusätzliche Verwendung von Kosmetik ist eine persönliche Entscheidung, die Ihr permanente Make-up verbessert.

P6) was passiert, wenn ich mich entscheide, Schönheitsoperationen? A6) plastische Chirurgie hat keine Auswirkung auf permanent make-up korrekt platziert. Jedoch, wenn Sie daran, in Denken der Plastische Chirurgie, können Sie für Chirurgie vor dem permanent make-up entscheiden. P7) welche Reaktion im Zusammenhang mit permanent make-up ist? A7) Frauen sind oft erstaunt über die beeindruckende, natürliche und subtile permanent make-up. Sie wünschte, sie vor zehn Jahren getan hatten. Leben ist einfacher geworden, ohne Make-up unschärfer, Alltagsprobleme, usw.! P8) Wer würde profitieren? A8) aktive Frauen und Männer-Korrektur der Funktionen, die sie mit Allergien auf Make-up Athleten Vision Probleme Opfer der Alopezie diejenigen, die für einen natürlichen Look oder die Suche nach etwas dramatischer Menschen benötigen. P9) wie tun? A9) sterilisiert, Einweg-Nadeln zum Bereitstellen Hunderte von kleinen Punkten von Pigment Farbe unter die basale (von oben) Schicht der Haut verbessert die natürliche Gegebenheiten. Weh Q10) tut? A10) Anästhesie aktuelle Anästhesie Cremes wird heute verwendet.

sind viel stärker als in den Vorjahren. Wenn Sie im Voraus einfache Regeln: kein Alkohol, Aspirin, Blut Verdünnende Medikamente, Vitamin E, Ergänzung von Knoblauch oder 3 Kräuter, vorzugsweise 5 Tage vor dem Termin. Es werden die Beschwerden im Zusammenhang mit dem Verfahren deutlich reduzieren. Darüber hinaus haben sie kein Koffein am Tag des Verfahrens. Bei Einhaltung dieser Richtlinien erhöht Ihren Komfort während des Verfahrens von permanent make-up. Q11) wie lange dauert es? A11) die meisten Vorgehensweisen erfordern etwa 2-3 Stunden. Der wichtigste Teil aller Verfahren ist die Kunst und die Wahl der Farben, die Zustimmung des Kunden erfordern. Q12) was so bald die Ergebnisse sichtbar sind? A12) innerhalb von sieben Tagen, werden Sie einen sichtbaren Unterschied feststellen. Wir bitten alle unsere Kunden für die Überprüfung von 30 Tagen nach der Erstellung der Zeit eintreffen werden Anpassungen (falls erforderlich) vorgenommen werden. F13) wieviel Zeit wird es reichen? A13) in der Regel ein bis fünf Jahre vielleicht mehr. Verbesserungen der Re – auch bekannt als “you Touch-Ups” oder “erhöht das Farbe-Update” empfiehlt sich für die Wartung. Sie dürfen nicht vergessen, dass permanent make-up eine “niedrig”, kein “Nein” Wartung Verfahren ist. Schließlich benötigen Sie einen Hauch von Farbe, wenn die Farbe verblasst. Sobald die Farbe hellt werden Sie wissen, dass Sie bereit sind, zu fördern, die Aktualisierung der seine Farbe! Kann man diese Tatsache nicht vermeiden? All das verblasst im Laufe der Zeit meist in der Sonne. Art q14) welche von Allergien? A14) Allergiker sind besonders gut geeignet für permanent make-up. Wenn Sie anfällig für Allergien sind, können Sie den Techniker über ein Haut-Allergie-Test bitten. Allergietest erfolgt über ein rotes Pigment. Das rote Pigment wird in der Regel die bemerkenswerteste allergische Reaktion verursachen, wenn eine Reaktion stattfindet. Die Reaktionen sind selten. Q15) Was kostet? A15) Preise variieren je nach mit der Schaffung der erforderlichen und werden in ein kostenloses Beratungsgespräch festgelegt. Aber denken Sie daran, dass Sie bekommen, was Sie bezahlen. Sie können erwarten, zwischen $ 300-$ 600 pro Verfahren, abhängig von Ihren technischen und seiner Lage zu zahlen. Der klüger ist, nicht zu den günstigsten Künstler entscheiden sicherzustellen, aber ist nicht notwendig, den teuersten Künstler zu wählen. Q16) was passiert, wenn das Formular ist nicht das, was ich will? A16) die Augenbrauen werden in Semi-Marcador Permanent vor Beginn eines Verfahrens, gezeichnet, so dass Sie sehen können, genau was ist zu tun, bevor nichts dauerhaft angewendet wird. F17) Qué Pasa mit Entfernung von Pigment? A17) wir eine so genannte “Aufstand für Pigment Entfernung”, das zur Verfügung steht und es funktioniert sehr gut, wenn der Techniker im Prozess ausgebildet ist. Normalerweise nur kleine Flächen muss versuchen, sein aufgehoben mit dem Salz, einer Mischung aus Kochsalzlösung oder eine ähnliche “Aufhebung” des Produkts, nur für diesen Zweck verwendet? versucht, Beseitigung der größten Gebiete von der Permanent Make-up Pigmente ist erforderlich eine weitergehende Behandlung, wie ein Laser. Kontaktieren Sie in diesen Fällen bitte einen Dermatologen. Nancy ist zertifiziert durch die American Academy of Micropigmentation und ist aktiv in der Gesellschaft von der PermanenteProfesionales der Kosmetik. Finden Sie ihre Website:


Wisoak Offers New In-service Qualification

by yudaica2013 ·

15 individually bookable modules at 3 levels transition to the possible Bremen/Bremerhaven University of applied sciences. Demographic change does not stop with his tendency to shortages of workers even before the logistics. Source: Jessica Michibata. Trained professionals are indispensable good and up to date in this dynamic industry. The in-service qualification to the / the “IT logistics/in” workers from the industry and from companies with logistics work processes for new tasks to qualify. This training is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), consists of three levels with a total of 15 specific modules. There are degrees to the “operational logistics specialist” (level C), to the / to the “Manager operational logistics” (level B) and the / to the “IT logistics/in” (A level) possible.

The qualifications for the “operational logistics specialist” (level C) and the “operational logistics manager” (level B) start on the year or 07.09.2011. The modules of these two stages, which are booked separately, include 30 lessons. The 5 modules of A level “IT-Logistker / in” starting from 01.02.2012 and include each 90 hours of learning. The development is carried out together with partners from science and industry. The partners are: dbh logistics IT AG (IT provider), NTB North Sea Terminal Bremerhaven GmbH GmbH & co., Hellmann worldwide logistics GmbH & co. KG, BLG logistics GROUP AG & CO.KG, all bfw in one GmbH (IT provider), ITF Research GmbH (IT provider), professional promotion work Bremen and Bremerhaven University of applied sciences. Specifically, a cooperation agreement was signed with Bremerhaven University of applied. “Target is, transition into the Bachelor degree course transportation / logistics through the recognition of services from the level of A qualification IT-Logistiker/in” to simplify. The levels and modules in detail: Specialist for operational logistics (5 modules, each module of 30 hours) level C: requirements: Office, retail clerk, or other qualifications no logistics experience modules: Fundamentals of modern logistics (C1), 06-24.09.2011 Communication/conflict management with customers (C2), 04-22.10.2011 control of logistic processes (C3), Nov 1-19.11.2011 responsibility and quality of the logistics chain (C4), 29.11.-17.12.2011 technology and IT applications in TUL (C5), 10.


Sunset Strip Realty

by yudaica2013 ·

Investing in properties in Los Angeles, in Great Properties with stables, the best for the best. We reaffirm our conviction that buying a property in Los Angeles both for personal use or as a medium-term business is a smart decision. We rely on that we are in an area where properties are valued cyclically every year and we are now in a situation completely suitable in terms of values is concerned, as far as the property itself as interest rates that are charging for the mortgage. The advice of Sunset Strip Realty focuses on offering a wide variety of choices in homes, mansions, luxury residences, but in addition, provide all the support focused on achieving the best economic and financial decision based on the experience of several years the greater Los Angeles. s. And this is important. I think someone is imperative that this input from a company like this, which moves in this very large environment even to cover the areas farther from the center of the great metropolis.

And this is where the best and largest properties stables make their appearance and are intended for the smartest investors, who know of such homes and the importance either as business or to enjoy the purest air in a charming natural environment. Of course if you already comes from a family where the horses are part of it known to them in an environment where they are comfortable, in exceptional pens to maintain order is very important to them. If you are looking for the place where the pastures are abundant, exuberant vegetation to maintain a striking green that can be observed from the balcony of the house on Sunset Strip Realty can really assist you to finally find what you are.