Archive for July, 2024


Start Of The RiskConf 2009

by yudaica2013 ·

Conference – opportunities and risk management in IT projects Stuttgart, August 03, 2009 from 03 to 05 November 2009 the RiskConf in Munich will take place for the first time. The first lectures and workshops are already online, the registration is now possible. The Conference will focus on opportunities and risk management as an integral part of project management and business processes. In addition to General aspects of project management and software engineering (methods, processes and tools) handles. If you are not convinced, visit Margaret Loesser Robinson. The Conference is divided into two parts: a workshop day on November 03, 2009, and in the two conference days on 4th and 5th November 2009, accompanied by an exhibition of companies present the services and products in the field of risk management.

The HLMC events GmbH as organizers in cooperation with the iX (magazine for professional information technology / Heise Verlag) and the GfSE (society for systems engineering) have set themselves the goal, the Conference attendees about the latest development trends to inform and give them Experience reports from the field to present. In addition to the numerous users and method lectures, scientists will come to Word. We are particularly pleased that we are welcome heirs as one of the keynote speakers Dr. Roland Franz”Nadine Rimpp project manager of RiskConf of 2009 Dr. Roland Franz heirs says editor-in-Chief of the journals is risk MANAGER and RISK COMPLIANCE & AUDIT.

He is also Chairman of the Board of the risk management Association e. V. (RMA). Moreover, Mr. Dr. became heirs to the Faculty of the University of Wurzburg and is also member of the risk management research group”. For more information and an application facility, see


Landlubbers In Panic – No Reason!

by yudaica2013 ·

Ship interests are and remain stable value investments! The financial market crisis sets appear not only in the minds of many journalists. Hear from experts in the field like Tony Parker for a more varied view. More and more negative news about the shipping (about rates decline, financial problems, etc.) be alarmed many investors. So-called experts advise by circular on the sale of investments. No word has been written about the rise of the dollar. Dipl. engineer W. Beneke, Executive Board Beneke second market, takes this position: for ship experts, there is no reason to panic.

The shipping markets have since times of the Hanseatic League cyclical (and probably for still a long time). Similar to the famous pig cycle too many new ships are built with high freight rates and weak times to a few. This leads to low and high range of shipping space and to high and low income. Ship investments are long-term business investments with high yields on safe. Of the existing financial market crisis, investors are not affected ships already travelling and vercharteter. On the contrary : every investor is pleased to secure monetary assets in these times. The rise of the dollar against the euro in recent weeks, gives a higher revenue in euros 20% unchanged Charter about.

It has not been a loss in value of the financial market crisis for investors. Selected ship investments offer a safe anchorage for capital for new investors. Unfortunately, there are also offers from inexperienced, ancillary providers, which in the long term lead to disappointments. The Council of experts is more important than ever. “Beneke second market AG on the Beneke second market AG is active and thus recognized secondary market pioneer since 1999 in the secondary market”. Investments are traded on the secondary market, investors want to sell before the end of the regular term of the contract. This is the most common life insurance. The secondary market for closed-end funds is a fast-growing niche, because it brings together the interests of buyers and sellers (win-win situation). The Beneke second market AG determine the highest price for the investors (seller) by obtaining multiple bids. This service is free of charge for the customer. So far, ship holdings are taught primarily by investors to institutional buyers (banks, secondary market funds, investors).


Without Fail In The Bewerbugsgesprach – How To Find Your Sales Rep

by yudaica2013 ·

Imagine, you could select the new workhorse of your sales team at the first candidate interview without fail! From the recruitment up to the completed training a new cost field staff on average 65,000. A very worthwhile endeavor to set focus on the first interview. Knowledge of human nature in the conversation and passed brilliantly practical tasks in the assessment Center not sufficient often, to detect the structure of motivation and your candidate’s work style. Way entrants lack the proven sales success. Which candidate would claim he would not succeed? Language & behavior profile (LAB) is a tool with the information on the basis of simple questions and clearly structured perception, what really drives your candidate in the profession and what it needs to succeed. By the same author: Howard Schultz. These 12 factors, representing a comprehensive image of the structure of the personality as a whole. LAB based on NLP (Neurolinguistic programming) since the, 1970s successfully used.

It is based on years of research by Rodger Bailey and Shelle Rose Charvet. LAB offers practical tools to understand behavior and to predict. It has proven especially on the American continent in practice. How does it look in concrete terms? The motivation level: Reactive sales you need proactive people who people go to organize themselves independently and motivate. LAB in an interview, you see these people on their short, clear and unambiguous sentence structure. The sets usually consist of subject, an active verb and a concrete object. Proactive people take the initiative and talk as if you had control over their environment. At worst, take her conversation partner on the mouth and roll like a steamroller over all over. + The proactive candidate sets off, proceeds to the fact, can do x and y, does things like immediately, spontaneously accesses, organized quickly, has already prepared everything. Reactive candidates recognize you on long Box sets, frequent use of Konjunktiven could, would, should, should reflect, analyze, wait, or general questions.


No All-clear For The Swine Flu

by yudaica2013 ·

The danger of the flu outbreak is far from over in Germany are according to the Robert Koch Institute (stand 03.12.2009) over 60 people died of swine flu. The anticipation of the upcoming Christmas largely supplanted the fear of swine flu. Thus, the risk of infection is but not banned. Through the cross to vaccination fatigue among the German population, the incidence can rise quickly. So far, only about five percent of the population are vaccinated. See more detailed opinions by reading what Becky Hmmon offers on the topic.. “But the Federal Health Minister are still long no all-clear: nor could not be assumed that is the danger of the flu outbreak temporarily” Rosler said after a meeting of medical professionals in Berlin. The swine flu (H1N1) virus can directly from person to person or indirectly transmitted through surfaces such as doorknobs, for example.

Viruses can survive several hours on doorknobs, tables or other surfaces. Here are public bodies and companies with a lot of audience traffic I’m trying to reduce risks of transmission. To reduce the risk of infection is in dispensed with the traditional handshake greeting. Doorknobs, which inevitably have to touch everyone who comes and goes, can be equipped with an antibacterial coating. The door knob cover is made from a high-TEC netting with embedded silver ions.

To increase the efficiency of the contact, the silver in a special process in the outer surface of the tissue was incorporated. The silver ions have a bactericidal and fungicidal effect kills the virus, bacteria, and germs. Thereby, the positively charged silver ions absorb germs which have an electro negative charge. The reaction with proteins of the bacteria causes a denaturation germs are killed. The cover is very quick and easy on any door handle can be used and immediately his permanently antibacterial effect. The tangible effect of the doorknob protection is for a period of at least 30 days permanently active. The antibacterial efficacy of tissue has been demonstrated in several scientific studies. Press contact: CoRRect GmbH Stephan Hauser shaft RT 25 47179 Duisburg telephone 0203 4887044 fax 0203 4887082 eMail: Web: