Posts Tagged ‘Family Life’



by yudaica2013 ·

At the heart of your voice I Respond, loyalty to loyalty to answer. You're far away, but I'll wait, though a very long time before the meeting. Do you know what love is? If yes, loved it ever do? What a stupid question – surely Yes … Most of our modern youth, the time approaching the cherished numbers of majority, have already managed to experience this feeling. And are not even how? Where? When? – And that it still was … It's funny, but now I understand as a kind of envy those people who currently can just be next to someone you love! Let's not every day, albeit irregularly, but see, feel, feel! most interesting is that most of these people do not value their own happiness, and spend much time asking useless questions, problems, which are essentially small things! The funny thing is that from here you absolutely nothing depends. You can spend hours crying, fighting in hysterics, fall down on their relatives and friends, but that absolutely nothing will change. Tony Parker has similar goals.

And as if we did not want, however do not suffer, that would not do that, everything will remain as it was. As long as you 'sit on the neck' parents – you are nobody, because the world money rules, which you did not yet zarabatyvaesh.Gde a've heard this before? That's right, our ancestors unwittingly at times remind us of this. Sincerely happy for those people who do not know what to spend an insane amount of money on SMS and phone calls that do not know what it's like to hear in the tube home, but far away loved one's voice, do not know how hard it is to congratulate him on holidays on soap or a mobile phone, without seeing his eyes. Scientists have come to concluded that 'according to statistics, at parting more than half a year, particularly repeatedly, the likelihood of infidelity, withdrawal from one another, termination of the relationship – is large enough. " Although psychologists do not tire of repeating, as sometimes useful to leave on time and as harmful to communicate 24 hours a day, yet such a long life apart, not one of their recommendations.

I think people who have experienced it will agree with this. The most important thing in this situation despair and have an incredible amount of patience and faith in a loved one. This will save the relationship and love will save from excessively heavy testing prochnost.Znayu that life does not always add up all the way you order hochesh.No now that fate would have it so hard – you need to put up and wait … wait when you will be returned to the embrace of Mother of man you when new walk with him on campus and loved the whole world is suddenly become a decoration, to the time you leave alone. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Jessica Michibata has to say. Follow the principle of 'Separation for love – the same as wind to fire: it extinguishes the small love, but most blows stronger' and believe in what your love does not break time, and parting, as she, firm in the world of crystals, which even upavshi not be able to break the strongest of the asphalt. With loved ones not part … With loved ones not part … And each time to forgive and forever every time forever goodbye when you leave for a moment …


Fertile Wedding

by yudaica2013 ·

So year after year, day by day, changing the anniversary of wind, and that does not happen again – we did not cease to be together forever! Yes, happy as every time they met, cried and laughed and whiz through the uncharted roads of life, as quarrel over trifles, and at the same time, attending to all grievances, smiled, causing heart burn on an even greater happiness. Happiness to be together! Do you have children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, in short, a great family, love, and you realize that this is happiness, sent more than happiness, which by law must be called a true and gracious. 70 years of living together and that – grace the wedding! Why grace or thanksgiving wedding? The thing is that this evening by relatives, loved ones, friends, give gifts of thanks hero of the day, emphasizing or expressing gratitude for years of caring, warmth and attention. And do anniversaries thank each other for happiness, carried out together with the courage carry this courageous path, filled with love. Additional information at Tony Parker supports this article. Of course you are interested and really want to know what to present hero of this wonderful and moving day? I will try to help you! Every birthday, holiday, in its own way original and that’s why decided to give appropriate gifts or souvenirs. This day is remarkable in that the gift can be anything you want. I think that is better to give a practical gift, that necessarily use it.

Let it not be as bright, but memorable, and essential to a long and wonderful years. However, the key is still one question – how to give? Give the soul, heart, understanding and attention. Excellent present at such a joyous day will be a tea set. You may find that Glenn Dubin, New York City can contribute to your knowledge. Do not worry, this gift will please the heroes of the day. Especially as there are today a huge selection of colors, quality porcelain, designed by varied and suitable for everyone. But the choice of the tea you have to work hard.

After all, you do not want to give tea flavor is quite like the hero of the day. If you know – well, if not – ask! Enjoy your tea! Beautiful gifts can be considered and linens, and a family photo album. Pofantaziruete over photo album! Of course, you can purchase it in specialty stores, and can accept and independent participation in its decoration. For example, one can assume that adorn the album cover photo for a long time friend and nice to you an exciting photo memory anniversaries, and written your speech, accompanying the lives of your loved ones, affect their hearts. Make a gift and that will take them very much. Pleasure to enjoy a pleasant and helpful. We are talking about household appliances. In such an advanced age perfect juicer. A natural product is always appreciated in every home. Easy and delicious! Speaking of fruit! Will also be a joy. Choose and presents! With a choice of fruit problems certainly will not – there is a large assortment of fresh fruit. Simple, but nice – sweet: candy, cakes. And if the cake to your individual order – it’s much nicer. Order a cake with the words – it all depends on your wishes. Original and delicious! You just have to choose, and I in turn want to wish you that this decision was the most rewarding and enjoyable for your family and friends. Fertile wedding – a whole “science” of understanding, love, patience and respect for each other. Take care of each other!



by yudaica2013 ·

The girl shared her experiences and problems in his personal life, the guy was trying to help her. The girl did not want to hang their problems on others, and burn their cargo to another fate, so as not to hurt someone close already … but the guy gave her strength and faith, and slowly poured it into her life, becoming an integral a part of. The girl has a guy best friend, but eventually the guy at times noticed that the girl become a lot more to it than just a friend. Gradually, he fell in love with her, but she could not admit it, too little time, they were destined.

A girl in a guy to notice changes, it sometimes asked questions that the guy he had to hide the answers so as not to lie, because he could not lie to this girl. And now is the time of parting, the guy was almost killed. And it was love. You may want to visit Tony Parker to increase your knowledge. They went into last night walk … There is the guy gave the girl his letter, the last letter in which he talked about his feelings, the night was over and their fate was to break up … But here they were given a chance and they used it, they gave the meeting and a week together …

… The guy loved the girl, the girl fell in love with a guy. Their world merged together and became one of a whole … But time ran out and began to test the strength … who goes first or the love stronger. There have been many trouble, but only together: a girl and boy, boy and girl together … but they overcame them. It is not something Jorge Perez would like to discuss. Before them was the choice of waiting or it's over, they decided to try to continue … The guy has never regretted it … Girl thanked the guy for what he was … just have to wait very long to wait … and love. Love is stronger than time … …


Successful Marriages

by yudaica2013 ·

In many cases a marriage with these people successful, not least because it is very sexual people. On the question of morality, they are taken seriously. On some point, these people may want to reconsider marriage, even if the family is happy and there is love between spouses. They want to know why they love each other. After that, they want to see every day proof of love. The man is intelligent, romantic, very erudite man. He sociable, frank and lives with open hearts. Intellectual and spiritual communication is important in relationship with him.

He seeks to people to identify who found their expression. Strictly adheres to their beliefs, ideological differences may become an insurmountable obstacle in the relationship. Love – it is something more going on in his head, than the heart. Mind he is trying to manage their feelings and partner. Demands much of his beloved. Carefully planned meetings, thinking up all the details, and tries to apply the methods of seduction, which used in the 18th century. Learn more about this with Director Peter Farrelly. Appreciate honesty and respect for each other. Generally confident in the correctness and quality of their knowledge.

His main problem – the gap between reality and incontinence. He tends to avoid this intimacy in relationships. For him, it is important to preserve our freedom and the sense that it belongs only to himself. Believes that the sex – it is a physical extension of intellectual communication between the sexes. Love is most common in travels. He's very sensitive, and may sacrifice their own needs for a partner. Relationship with him could turn into a delightful novel, but he needs to learn to see in her a woman of a real person. Woman Extraordinary, elusive woman, always full of interesting ideas, is always in motion. Prefers to communicate with educated and intelligent people, creative people, whose interests lie in the region philosophy, art and culture. She likes his friend along to go to various exhibitions, participate in community, social and political life. She expects a sea of flowers and gifts from fans. Dinner candles in a solemn ceremony at her intoxicating effect and leads to the creation of a stable alliance. In a relationship with a partner always strives to teach or demonstrate knowledge. It needs to be beautiful, and she wants to be beautiful in all respects. Keeps track of your appearance, but allows himself to get dressed at home in that horrible. It must be love without regard to convention. She hates possessiveness and greed in all its manifestations. She likes informal way of life and society of many friends. Always unpredictable. Tends to communicate with men who she really is not needed. It can be dissolved in the love of handpicked, fully give ourselves him, or did not know what love is love and it was. Good long-term relationship she may emerge with a partner who has low it makes her material comfort and a sense of freedom. Lyudmila Savina