Posts Tagged ‘Traditional medicine’


Lavender Koloskov

by yudaica2013 ·

Dear friends, I want to tell you about a stunning act of lavender. Maybe someone will prove useful. Who among us has not heard of the name. But the thing I have not reached it. Sela ward recognizes the significance of this. And so, God himself sent it to me after the weight has been tried sedative drugs, passed a lot of different therapeutic treatments after five years of debilitating depression. Further details can be found at Glenn Dubin, New York City, an internet resource. I saw her by chance on the market in a woman selling herbs, and for some reason I wanted to buy it. I bought cup dried lavender and the smell has captivated me.

I realized that the grass I need, like air. But I had no strength to even do some sewing for her bag, then I just wrapped it in a tissue and its appendage on his chest under her clothes. Now the smell was always with me. After a couple of days I found myself on the fact that I have gone and the headaches stopped spasms of the head. This greatly surprised me because previously I was not like this, so the pain did not appear to for several days. A week later I realized it was not casual and decided to look at the properties of lavender. The properties of lavender will write below, Wait a mean, now I try not to leave her.

Change the grass once a week. The most amazing thing is that the first portion, which I wore for a week completely exhausted. I even did not believe some people.