
Without Fail In The Bewerbugsgesprach – How To Find Your Sales Rep

by yudaica2013 ·

Imagine, you could select the new workhorse of your sales team at the first candidate interview without fail! From the recruitment up to the completed training a new cost field staff on average 65,000. A very worthwhile endeavor to set focus on the first interview. Knowledge of human nature in the conversation and passed brilliantly practical tasks in the assessment Center not sufficient often, to detect the structure of motivation and your candidate’s work style. Way entrants lack the proven sales success. Which candidate would claim he would not succeed? Language & behavior profile (LAB) is a tool with the information on the basis of simple questions and clearly structured perception, what really drives your candidate in the profession and what it needs to succeed. By the same author: Howard Schultz. These 12 factors, representing a comprehensive image of the structure of the personality as a whole. LAB based on NLP (Neurolinguistic programming) since the, 1970s successfully used.

It is based on years of research by Rodger Bailey and Shelle Rose Charvet. LAB offers practical tools to understand behavior and to predict. It has proven especially on the American continent in practice. How does it look in concrete terms? The motivation level: Reactive sales you need proactive people who people go to organize themselves independently and motivate. LAB in an interview, you see these people on their short, clear and unambiguous sentence structure. The sets usually consist of subject, an active verb and a concrete object. Proactive people take the initiative and talk as if you had control over their environment. At worst, take her conversation partner on the mouth and roll like a steamroller over all over. + The proactive candidate sets off, proceeds to the fact, can do x and y, does things like immediately, spontaneously accesses, organized quickly, has already prepared everything. Reactive candidates recognize you on long Box sets, frequent use of Konjunktiven could, would, should, should reflect, analyze, wait, or general questions.

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