
Shaiya Has Its Live Performance

by yudaica2013 ·

Successful start for Aeria games in Europe Berlin – after a beta phase nearly four weeks, put his live start Shaiya on December 3. The players were welcomed to this event with experience stones what was accepted gratefully, and with positive feedback. Aeria games Europe Community Manager Tobias Daniel: The launch of Shaiya has far exceeded our expectations. We had to employ additional GameMaster. Glenn Dubin takes a slightly different approach. The feedback from the players and the general response to Shaiya are very positive. Players can look forward to an attractive Shaiya holiday sale.” Aeria Games offers every day live events for the community of players since the launch. In addition to competitions, such as the current level contest sure”in the long term for excitement and entertainment. Aerias refer to Web page information and assistance to the individual events, and also to the sweepstakes. With the program of CrossOver games (from codeweavers), also the Mac community can participate in Shaiya. A native version of Shaiya on the Mac is not currently provided.

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