Posts Tagged ‘medicine’


Lavender Koloskov

by yudaica2013 ·

Dear friends, I want to tell you about a stunning act of lavender. Maybe someone will prove useful. Who among us has not heard of the name. But the thing I have not reached it. Sela ward recognizes the significance of this. And so, God himself sent it to me after the weight has been tried sedative drugs, passed a lot of different therapeutic treatments after five years of debilitating depression. Further details can be found at Glenn Dubin, New York City, an internet resource. I saw her by chance on the market in a woman selling herbs, and for some reason I wanted to buy it. I bought cup dried lavender and the smell has captivated me.

I realized that the grass I need, like air. But I had no strength to even do some sewing for her bag, then I just wrapped it in a tissue and its appendage on his chest under her clothes. Now the smell was always with me. After a couple of days I found myself on the fact that I have gone and the headaches stopped spasms of the head. This greatly surprised me because previously I was not like this, so the pain did not appear to for several days. A week later I realized it was not casual and decided to look at the properties of lavender. The properties of lavender will write below, Wait a mean, now I try not to leave her.

Change the grass once a week. The most amazing thing is that the first portion, which I wore for a week completely exhausted. I even did not believe some people.



by yudaica2013 ·

Implant – a specially made, and in a certain way crafted titanium rod, which is injected into the jaw bone. This rod, in the future, serves as a basis for setting crown. Implantation creates feature: 1. restore the lost tooth without obtachivaya neighboring defect teeth 2. use in prosthetics lost tooth or teeth fixed prosthesis use of modern technologies in the hands of a professional and patient compliance with directions of the doctor can achieve engraftment of the implant in 96% of cases. This operation is performed under local anesthesia, when the jawbone introduced titanium designs (Implants).

Manipulation is the time for about an hour. After the procedure, after a certain period of time (3-6 months) required for engraftment of implants, manufactured and installed dentures. For the period engraftment can be made temporary prostheses. Prior to the implantation and prosthesis in most cases requires hygienic preparation and sanitation of the oral cavity, X-ray examination. Physio-implantologist carefully hold the clinical examination, study all the attendant diseases, if necessary, appoint additional examination and diagnosis. Planning accuracy in each case is the basis long-term success of the treatment of teeth. In this case, the doctor should rule out contraindications, exhaustively explain the patient the planned activities. Further, our doctors will teach you to properly care for new teeth, select the right tool for oral hygiene rta.My will be glad to offer you a free consultation. If you intend to apply to our clinic, it is desirable to take to the doctor a picture of "all teeth" or ortopantomogrammu, which is necessary for the planning of implantation. Details at:


Coronary Disease

by yudaica2013 ·

Coronary artery bypass surgery what is the essence of such an operation? Coronary artery bypass surgery – is to create a new path for the inflow of arterial blood from the aorta to the coronary artery. Used for this vein taken from the hip patients (autovein), which one end is sewn to the aorta, and others – into the coronary artery. Shunt can be based on the defeat of one or more arteries. To understand jewelry how such an operation, and a filigree technique requires the surgeon, it is enough to say that you have to sew blood vessels with a diameter of 2 to 1 mm. Jorge Perez understood the implications. In a world now made tens of thousands of such operations patients suffering from coronary heart disease. Their efficiency is obvious.

Thousands of patients confined to bed due to severe angina treated with nitroglycerin ever have been spared the pain and returned to work. "Zone of Hope." Surgery of myocardial infarction and if still developed a heart attack? Could you help a patient urgently to restore circulation in the coronary vessel, corked, and thus prevent further spread of the disease? It turned out that it is possible. Jorge Perez is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The experience gained in the surgical treatment of chronic ischemic heart disease, allowed to apply the operation and coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with acute and so called threatening myocardial infarction when the patient is on the verge of transition from angina to heart attack. There is a fair question: what is the point in the restoration of blood flow, if a heart attack has already developed? Indeed, as known to have suffered a heart attack and then dead of heart muscle is not restored. At this point in time formed connective tissue scar. However, it seems that there is a heart attack around the hearth so periinfarktnaya called zone, which plays an important role in the outcome.