

by yudaica2013 ·

During the celebration of the 3rd National Congress of waterproofing, organized by ANI, Sanchez-Pando, S.A has defended the creation of the waterproofing systems Manual in a paper developed by a regular contributor to its technical department, architect Ignacio San Gines Vizcaino. It has defended that, to achieve the improvement in the quality of the works and the optimization in the same planning, should explicitly define the parameters of such projects because the current basic documents of the CTE suffer from a standard and accurate information.Reflection is the fruit of knowledge firsthand that this company has the industry and which has acquired throughout his extensive career in the world of the waterproofing.CarenciasBajo the quaint title of the cube Rubik (CTE) vs. Systems manual, the presentation of Sanchez-Pando, S.A has wanted to put the accent on the lack of quality as one of the main problems in the construction sector, in and General, the waterproofing, in particular. This situation is given, according to Ignacio San Gines, by the insufficient definition of the needs of the customer, defects in the project or in the execution of the work, but also by the meagre specifications that sacrifice functionality, durability, aesthetics or the costs of operations in the long term, for the sake of a lower initial cost. Moreover, the adoption of technical solutions based on the DB-HS1 basic document and the catalogue of constructive elements is arduous and laborious for the representative of Sanchez-Pando, S.A. Please visit Tony Parker if you seek more information.

This scenario is compounded when customers have very little information on materials and processes, since it is very difficult to appreciate the final quality and even 20th know if the tender price is related to the actual final cost of the implementation. Often, according to San Gines, this gives rise to a competition without restrictions and enormous ferocity, which seriously damages the quality and good functionality at work.Proposal and ventajasAnte this situation since Sanchez-Pando, SA intends to the configuration of a waterproofing systems Manual that interpreter with simplicity the various tables and qualifications of the catalogue of constructive elements of the CTE.For its instigators initiative would reduce the times both the reference and the supply of materials. Also is homogenizarian specifications eliminating disparate interpretations of projects and increase from the productivity of the workers, to improve the Organization, until the confidence of insurance entities. In addition the existence of a manual would facilitate the analysis of costs, the study compared between offerings and the intervention of the organisms of Control Tecnico.fasespara the development of this proposal one of the first actions is, precisely, the elaboration of the manual. According to the paper, this should contain a set of established with information systems required components and technical characteristics, running processes and economic aspects such as reference prices, variables that influence them, measurement and valuation criteria.

In this way each designer or Builder may establish commercial reference that is most appropriate for each project taking as an example these typifications.After the design would happen to the phase of dissemination in which manual would be arriving in the professional schools, builders associations and other groups concerned with very visual presentations. Subsequently also provides start-up start-up of specific training for operators with the aim of preparing teams specialized in the execution of the projected systems. Sanchez-Pando, station S.APaseo, 7. 48510 Valle de Trapaga (Vizcaya) T. 94 492 02 11 f. 94 492 32 47 original author and source of the article.

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